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Fleet Management Release Notes

This article contains Release Notes for feature and functionality changes/updates added to the Portal in 02/2025.

Updated over a week ago

Feature/Functionality Changes & Updates

Map Page

  • Available Map Cards: Updates have been made to all available map cards to provide a consistent look and feel to the appearance of the Card Header, Card Status Bar, and Card cancel/save/close actions.

Reports Page

  • Enhanced Driver Scorecard Report: A Sustained Speeding Filter is now available in the Driver Scorecard report. When running this report, you can select sustained speeding and set a threshold in the Driver Scorecard. When Sustained Speeding is disabled, each instance of speeding is recorded as a separate event. When enabled, a speeding event is logged only if it persists for the duration set in the Threshold dropdown.

    By default, Sustained Speed is selected as 'On' with the threshold set to "30 seconds." Other threshold options are 1 min, 2 mins, 3 mins, 4 mins, 5 mins, 6 mins, 7 mins.

    • Note: This report is available to customers with access to the Driver Scorecard report. If you are interested in learning more, please contact your Account Manager.

Driveri Portal Feature/Functionality Changes & Updates

  • Simplified Email and Browser Notifications for Device Health & Operations Related Features: The notification process has been simplified to improve the user experience. The Hardware Status section, formerly known as Device Health/Device Summary, on the Personal Notification Preferences page now includes additional options for users to receive notifications.

  • Enhancements to Edit Vehicle Association Page: The following enhancements have been made to the Edit Vehicle Association page:

    • The Edit Vehicle Association page now includes ‘Disassociate Driveri Device’, ‘Disassociate Driver’, and ‘Disassociate D-HubX’ links in their respective sections. This enhancement provides an intuitive way of disassociating the Driveri device, driver, or D-HubX from the vehicle.

    • On clicking the ‘Disassociate Driveri Device’ link, users will now be presented with a new section that displays a list of accessories associated with the vehicle. These accessories will automatically be disassociated along with the device. They can be paired again with the same Driveri device, a different Driveri device, or another vehicle by using the Installer App. This is applicable only if the vehicle/Driveri device has accessories associated with it.

      This feature will be available only for selected fleets using accessories with the Driveri device.

  • Reports Central: Driveri Accessory Health Report : The Driveri Accessory Health Report is now available in Reports Central. This report provides valuable insights into the health and performance of the accessories connected to the Driveri device. It includes the status of the Driveri Hub-X which can alert users to any potential issues and facilitate necessary action. Currently, this report contains only Driveri Hub-X-related information, but more accessories will be added to the report in the future. This report is available only for selected fleets using accessories with the Driveri device.

  • Smoking Alert Added to All Accounts: The ability to view alerts based on if the driver is smoking has now been added to all accounts, and will be added to future accounts by default.

Bugs Squashed

Safety Camera

  • Updated the system to ensure driver assignments sync correctly from Driveri, aligning with the dashboard display for accurate linking.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented some customers from requesting Drive360/AIR II camera events, enhancing user control and accessibility.

Map Page

  • Fixed an issue that allowed users to accidentally remove the “ALL VEHICLES” group from vehicle groups when looking at the corresponding vehicle group on the Map.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented customers from accessing Vehicle History capabilities for multiple devices at a time.

Alerts Page

  • Fixed an issue that prevented customers from accessing enhanced alert data to accurately convert speed values for metric users, improving reliability and user experience.

  • Fixed an issue that listed the Ignition Alert as an available option when creating an alert from the Alerts Page of the Portal.

Reports Page

  • Fixed an issue with the State Mileage Report that duplicated state trips.

  • Fixed an issue with the State Mileage Report to ensure results return all applicable data for a requested timeframe window.

Classic Portal

  • Updated the API documentation link (found under Account > Manage Users / Third-party access to API V2 functions) to direct to the new domain:

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