When reviewing the Driver Records report in ELD Complete, certain columns contain specific codes directly relating to the FMCSA’s Final Rule.
To make it easier to decipher these events, please refer to the charts below for what each code value represents.
Event Record Status Codes
1 | Active |
2 | Inactive – Changed |
3 | Inactive – Change Requested |
4 | Inactive – Change Rejected |
Event Record Origin Codes
1 | Automatically recorded by ELD |
2 | Edited or entered by the driver |
3 | Edit requested by an authenticated user other than the driver |
4 | Assumed from unidentified driver profile |
Event Type Parameter Codes
1 | 1 | Driver's duty status changed to "off-duty" |
1 | 2 | Driver's duty status changed to "sleeper-berth" |
1 | 3 | Driver's duty status changed to "driving" |
1 | 4 | Driver's duty status changed to "on-duty not driving" |
2 | 1 | Intermediate log with conventional location precision |
2 | 2 | Intermediate log with reduced location precision |
3 | 1 | Driver indicates "authorized personal use of CMV" |
3 | 2 | Driver indicates "yard moves" |
3 | 0 | Driver indication for PC, YM, and WT cleared |
4 | 1 | Driver's first certification of a daily record |
4 | n | Driver's n'th certifcation of a daily record (when recertification is necessary) Note: "n" is an integer between 1 and 9. If more than 9 certifications are needed, use 9 for each new re-certification record. |
5 | 1 | Authenticated driver's ELD login activity |
5 | 2 | Authenticated driver's ELD logout activity |
6 | 1 | Engine power-up with conventional location precision |
6 | 2 | Engine power-up with reduced location precision |
6 | 3 | Engine shut-down with conventional location precision |
6 | 4 | Engine shut-down with reduced location precision |
7 | 1 | An ELD malfunction logged |
7 | 2 | An ELD malfunction cleared |
7 | 3 | A data diagnostic event logged |
7 | 4 | A data diagnostic event cleared |
Malfunction/Diagnostic Codes
P | Power Compliance malfunction |
E | Engine synchronization compliance malfunction |
T | Timing compliance malfunction |
L | Positioning compliance malfunction |
R | Data recording compliance malfunction |
S | Data transfer compliance malfunction |
O | Other ELD-detected malfunction |
1 | Power data diagnostic event |
2 | Engine synchronization data diagnostic event |
3 | Missing required data elements data diagnostic event |
4 | Data transfer data diagnostic event |
5 | unidentified driving records data diagnostic event |
6 | Other ELD-identified diagnostic event |