The Driver ID kit contains one Reader, two key fobs, one plastic washer, one metal locking washer, four heat-shrink butt connectors, four 8 in. (20 cm) cable ties, and one panel mount Light/Buzzer combo.
Additional tools and supplies needed; cordless drill, 3/8 in. (10 mm) drill bit, 15/16 in. (24 mm) drill bit, wire strippers, insulated crimper, and cable ties, heat gun.
Installation Steps
The following steps provide an overview of the installation process:
1. Install Preparation.
Before you begin, sit in the driver’s seat to identify a suitable mounting location.
Note: The Reader and Light (if applicable) should be visible and easy to reach from the driver’s seat.
Remove the dash panel where the Reader and Light will be installed.
Confirm area directly behind the mounting location is clear and that the panel can be put back into place without the Reader and Light affecting the panel reassembly.
2. Reader and Light/Buzzer combo Installation.
Locate cordless drill, 3/8 in. (10 mm) and 1/2 in. (13 mm) drill bit, Reader, Light (if applicable), plastic and metal washer
Drill a 3/8 in. (10 mm) and 1/2 in. (13 mm) hole approximately 1 in. (3 cm) apart.
From the front of the dash panel, feed both sets of wires through their respective holes and press each flush with the face of the panel.
Slide plastic washer, then the metal washer, over the Reader wires and push tightly against the backside of the dash.
Note: Ensure Reader wires are in the plastic groves before pushing locking washer tight to the dash.
Route Reader and Light wires to the GPS device mounting location.
3. Wire Connections.
Locate wire strippers, insulated crimper, and four butt connectors.
Remove 1/2 in. (13 mm) of insulation and twist the wire strands of all Reader and Light/Buzzer wires:
Gray Reader wire to AT-3000 Harness white with blue wire.
Solid Black Reader wire to AT-3000 harness solid Black wire.
White Light or Black Buzzer wire to AT-3000 Harness Yellow wire.
Red Buzzer/Light wire to vehicle ignition source.
Secure all loose wires with cable ties, and if buzzer was installed secure it to the AT-3000 device with the 4 in. (10 cm) cable tie.
Note: During the installation verification process, you will be required to test this add-on; please make sure you have one of the two key fobs available for the Driver ID testing.
To scan in, press the key fob flat against the Reader and slide slightly in any direction so the key fob touches the inner side of the reader. This connection will turn off the light/buzzer.