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In-Cab Alerts

This article provides information on types of in-cab alerts and severity levels for Driveri.

Updated over 2 years ago

The Driveri camera notifies drivers of the below violation types with in-cab notifications. Below is an explanation of each notification.

  • Speeding Violation

  • Following Distance Violation

  • Driver Distraction

  • Sign Violation – No Stop (Beta)

  • Sign Violation – Rolling Stop (Beta)

Note: Violation types that are denoted as Beta (depicted with a Beta sign) are available for customers to test. The Beta Alert can be added for coaching but will not impact the GreenZone Score.

Speeding Violation

When the device determines that the driver is speeding (traveling above a fleet-specified speed limit) for more than 20 seconds, it will say “Please slow down.”

The safety manager will not receive any notice of real-time Speeding feedback. However, the Speeding Violation alert is transmitted to the dashboard if the driver’s speed remains above the fleet-specified speed limit for at least 30 seconds. Accordingly, if the driver responds to the real-time feedback within 10 seconds (so that the speed decreases below the fleet-specified limit), the driver can avoid a dashboard alert.

If the driver’s speed remains above the fleet-specified speed limit for 60 seconds, the real-time message will play again. Because speeding will have a negative impact on a driver’s GreenZone® score, a driver can improve his GreenZone score by reducing his speed to below the fleet-specified limit after hearing the real-time feedback.

Following Distance

A driver should leave enough distance between his/her vehicle and the next vehicle ahead. Driveri categorizes the following distance to the vehicle ahead into three zones: Green, Yellow, and Red.

The categorization is done based on the time it takes for the driver to cover the distance to the vehicle ahead at the current speed.

Some potential causes for following distance audio alerts include:

  • The distance to the vehicle ahead falls within the yellow zone.

  • Driver makes a lane change with a vehicle in the yellow zone.

  • A third-party vehicle cuts into the driver’s lane in the yellow zone.

When the device detects an unsafe following distance between the driver and the next vehicle ahead, it will emit a short beep. Driveri provides Following Distance audio alerts as a heads-up to the driver when the vehicle ahead enters the Red and Yellow Zones.

Following Distance audio alerts are categorized as Moderate and Severe:


The intent of this audio alert is to provide a “heads-up” to the driver when a vehicle in front enters the yellow zone for the first time.

  • This audio alert will beep when the following distance is in the yellow zone.

  • Audio alert is played once per vehicle (i.e., audio alert does not repeat if the driver chooses to maintain the following distance in the yellow zone)


The intent of this audio alert is for the driver to create better separation from the vehicle in front of them.

  • This audio alert will [beep] when the following distance is in the red zone.

  • If a driver creates greater separation and avoids the red zone within 10 seconds, a dashboard alert will not be generated.

  • The audio alert will repeat every 20 seconds until the driver creates greater separation from the vehicle in front of them.

Driver Distraction

It is important to identify distracted driving, as well as remind drivers when it occurs because the consequences can be tragic and deadly. This includes behaviors such as texting, dialing a phone, talking on a handheld phone, and other forms of distraction that result in a driver’s eyes being off the road.

Driving distracted for 5 seconds while driving 55 mph is like driving the length of an entire football field with your eyes closed. If a driver has a habit of this behavior, then the risk of being involved in an accident is compounded. Addressing distracted driving through the use of in-cab audible alerts and coaching will reduce this unsafe behavior and the risk of its drivers being involved in serious accidents. Due to the dangerous nature of this violation type, the only category assigned to this type of violation is Severe.

This Alert type will apply only to the fleets that have the inward camera enabled.


The intent of this audio alert is to notify when the driver is looking down, looking at their phone, or talking on the phone while driving.

  • The Alert is transmitted for Looking Down if the vehicle is traveling at greater than 15 mph and the driver has been distracted for a few seconds.

  • For Looking at Phone and Talking on Phone, the Alert is transmitted if the vehicle is traveling greater than 5 mph and the driver has been distracted for a few seconds.

  • The Audio Alert [Distracted Driving] is played if the Driver is distracted while driving.

  • The Audio Alert will be played again if the Driver continues to be distracted for more than 10 seconds.

Sign Violation – No Stop & Rolling Stops (Beta)

The audio alert will sound when the driver has made a Stop sign violation that includes rolling stops (moderate) and no-stops (severe). The alert will sound a few seconds after the violation to avoid distracting the driver. The Dashboard Alert will be raised for this infraction.

  • The Audio Alert [Rolling Stop Detected] is played if the driver did a rolling stop at a Stop Sign.

  • The Audio Alert [No Stop Detected] is played if the driver did not stop at a Stop Sign.

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