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Need More Help?

We are here to help if you need additional assistance. Review the resource options available in the Portal in this article.

Updated over a year ago

Your fleet is unique; so your questions are unique too. If you need more help than what is available in the Fleet Tracking Help Center, please check out the available resources below.

  1. Within the Fleet Tracking Portal, click the Help icon from the left-hand navigation.

  2. In the pop-out menu appearing to the right, click Support.

    A pop-up with available options appears on the right-hand side of the browser tab window.

  3. From this pop-up, you may:

    1. Search Bar: Search the Help Center for available documentation using the Search bar.

    2. Status: Systems status is shown with the date/time of the last update.

    3. Help: Provides access to Help Center articles within the Portal.

    4. Messages: Ask a question or submit a ticket to Support for resolution.

  4. If you need assistance solving an issue, click Messages and Ask a Question.

  5. Follow the prompts and be guided directly to resources to help resolve the issue.

  6. If you need further assistance, please select No when asked if your issue has been resolved.

    The following message appears, where you can submit information to open a ticket with our Technical Support team.

  7. Click Create ticket.

  8. Complete the required fields and click Create ticket.

    The ticket is sent to Technical Support and a Representative will contact you to resolve the issue and/or answer your question.

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