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Release Notes 1/24/2024

Review this article to read about GPS Fleet Portal feature updates as of 1/24/2024.

Updated over a year ago

This Product Release Notes announcement includes notification of updates for the Portal.

Introducing Assets

A new visualization of assets is available on the Map Page of the Portal. Assets can now be separated from the Vehicle List section into the Asset List section in the Map list. This allows for better organization and a simpler way to manage assets. With this new feature, you can:

  • Add, edit, and manage assets from the Map page in the Portal.

  • Show or hide assets on the Map.

  • Convert vehicles to assets and vice-versa from the Vehicle or Asset Card.

  • See Trip History for Assets.

Adding assets works the same way as adding vehicles. The + menu has a new option for Assets.

Users will only be able to add Assets that are tracked via a GPS device.

Users can also convert their vehicles to assets with the new Vehicle/Asset toggle from the Edit Vehicle feature.

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