Before You Begin
The installation kit contains a registration card, the XT25 device, one diagnostic Pass-Thru cable, one mounting bracket, five 8” cable ties and six 14” cable ties.
Additional tools that you may need include an ink pen, dash panel removers, socket/screwdriver set, flush cutters, and tamper seal.
For install verification and device registration, visit Verify GPS Web App ( and bookmark this page.
Installation Overview
The following steps provide an overview of the installation process:
Install Preparation.
Device Connections.
Device Mounting.
Verification and Registration.
Installation Steps
1. Installation Preparation.
2. Device Connections.
There are two available methods to connect the device:
Direct Plug-In
Diagnostic Cable
Direct Plug-in Instructions:
If installing directly into the OBD-II port, please perform the following before proceeding to Step #4 for Verification and Registration:
Locate the OBD-II Port and plug the device directly into the port.
Secure the device to the OBD-II Port with a zip tie and ensure connection secure.
Note: If device lights do not begin to flash upon connection or do not go solid within 3-5 minutes, see Frequently Asked Questions below.
Diagnostic Cable Instructions:
Remove the dashboard panels for harness installation and device mounting.
With the vehicle Ignition Off and keys removed, complete the following steps:
Free up the existing OBD-II port from its current location.
Connect the Pass-thru Cable to the vehicle diagnostic port and cable tie.
Mount Pass-Thru Cable replacement port.
Connect XT25 device to Pass-Thru Cable and cable tie.
Note: If device lights do not begin to flash upon connection or do not go solid within 3-5 minutes, see frequently asked questions below.
3. Device Mounting.
4. Verification and Registration.
Open the web app on your computer or smartphone, enter your Install Key, Device Serial Number and select Device Type: ‘XT25.’
Then follow the instructions for verification and device registration.
Upon completion, reassemble the vehicle’s dashboard, and give the registration card to your GPS administrator.
Frequently Asked Questions
Question | Answer |
What is the white wire that is unused for the XT25 Install? | The 6-pin connector with the loose lead white wire is an accessory connection for the Driveri camera. If Driveri was purchased, please refer to that guide for installation instructions. If Driveri was purchased, please refer to that guide for installation instructions. If Driveri was not purchased then ignore and cable tie to the OBDII cable. |
Why are lights flashing on the device? | Slow blink is searching, fast blink is connecting and a solid light is connected. The red light goes solid when on a trip (ignition on) and is off when not. It doesn’t blink. |
Why are the device lights not illuminating? | The port is most likely not supplying power and you will need to replace the diagnostic port fuse. Refer to your owner’s manual to inspect the correct fuse and replace if necessary. |
Why am I not seeing the vehicle on my map? | Your vehicle will not appear on the map until a trip has started. Start the vehicle and refresh the web page. |
Additional Questions | Contact our Support Team. |