The App Switcher now includes a Driveri option for customers with the Driveri solution add-on. Users with Driveri application access can select Driveri from the App Switcher in the Fleet Tracking Portal to open and automatically log in to the Driveri Portal.
Note: Single Sign On (SSO) must be enabled for a seamless log-in between platforms. If you are interested in this enhanced user experience, please contact your Account Manager to enable SSO for your account.
Key benefits include:
Enhanced User Experience: SSO offers one login for all applications
Easier Workflow: Customers can use the App Switcher to quickly switch to the Driveri Platform
Reduced Administrative Overhead: Centralized user management & access control located in the Admin page
Enhanced Usability: Offer a user-friendly experience between platforms by providing a consistent user experience
Profile Sync: User information remains consistent and up-to-date between GPS Insight and Driveri, automatically updating their profile details whenever changes are made in one system, eliminating the need for manual data entry in multiple places and providing a unified view of the user across the organization.
Want to Learn More?
Please refer to the following articles to learn more about the update to the App Switcher and how to add/manage user application access:
Standard Customers: Using Application Access
Enterprise Customers: Managing Application Access