Users can now access the Driveri portal through the iOS and Android Driveri App. Setting up the Driveri App is a quick and easy process. Before completing the steps, drivers should know about the App, how it can benefit them, and why the company wants their drivers to use it.
Key Benefits
Key Benefits for Drivers
Visibility to Performance: The “mystery of the camera” is removed. Drivers see Greenzone score, most impactful alerts, and driverstars, as shown to fleet management
Real-time Access: Allows for real-time decisions to improve overall driver score and driver ranking
Weekly Review Sessions: Gain awareness of impactful driving behaviors affecting their score
Know Where You Stand: Understand how performance compares to fellow drivers
Key Benefits for Fleet
Virtual Coaching: When enabled, drivers receive updates on their previous week’s performance.
Remote Coaching: Alerts, and comments shared as part of the coaching program
Driver Assignment in Minutes: Assign driving minutes quickly using the beacon feature
Driver Assignment, Multiple Drivers (coming soon): Person driving may identify driving session when multiple drivers in the vehicle
Providing Access to the Driveri App
Users with the SuperUser or Safety Manager roles can set up the Username and password credentials necessary for drivers to log into the Driveri App.
Adding Credentials for Existing Drivers
If drivers have already been set up in the Driveri portal, complete the following steps. Contact your Account Manager if assistance is needed with setting up App credentials for a large group of drivers.
To find individual drivers in the list, type the driver’s first and/or last name in the search box.
Click on the Provisioning icon and select the Drivers tab to view the list of current drivers.
Click the “Edit” icon for each driver.
Scroll down and click ‘Yes’ under “Does this driver plan to use the Driveri TM Mobile App?”.
Enter a Username for the driver (directly above this question). The Username must be unique, so it’s best to use the driver’s email address if also used below or to make a ‘unique’ email such as [DRIVERID]
Determine how the password is going to be provided to the driver.
Allow the driver to create a password: The driver’s email is required for this selection. The system will send an email to the driver so a password can be set.
Create a password for this driver: The user can set up a password for a driver. This is useful if the driver does not want to share an email address.
Click the “Edit Driver” button to save the information.
Adding Credentials when also Adding New Drivers
Click on the Provisioning icon and select the Drivers option. Click the “Add Driver” button and choose one of the following:
Add Individual Driver
Allow the driver to create a password: The driver’s email is required for this selection. The system will send an email to the driver so a password can be set.
Create a password for this driver: The user can set up a password for a driver. This is useful if the driver does not want to share an email address.
Enter the required information – Driver ID (must match driver ID used for ELD, if applicable) first and last name. License and phone numbers are optional.
Enter a username for the driver. The username must be unique, so it’s best to use the driver’s email address if also used below or to make a ‘unique’ email such as [DRIVER ID]
Click ‘Yes’ under “Does this driver plan to use the Driveri TM Mobile App?”
Click the “Edit Driver” button to save the information.
Add Drivers in Bulk
Follow the four steps listed under “Add Drivers in Bulk” on the Drivers screen. The system will guide the user through the process of adding multiple drivers.
As above, the required information includes the driver’s ID number, first and last name.
If enabling the app for the drivers, then a username is required, as is a password if an email address is not set up for the drivers.