What are the benefits of having this integration added to my account?
When Driveri integration is enabled it allows the user to assign drivers within the GPS Insight portal and have those driver assignments automatically updated in the Driveri portal. This means if you use Driver ID for driver assignment, or choose manual driver assignment, you no longer have to worry about duplicating the work and updating those same driver assignments within the Driveri video portal. This ultimately allows for a seamless and integrated process wherein all driver activity aligns with alerts, reports, and video events.
Is there anything I need to do to ensure this integration is successful?
Yes. In order for the automated driver assignment to work properly, all created drivers within the Portal are required to have a unique Reference ID (RefID) value defined.
How do I define a Reference ID for my driver?
Adding a Reference ID for a driver can be done manually within the Portal or through mass import, either of which can be done by navigating to the Manage Drivers page. From that page, a user can define the RefID directly or click on the Edit icon and enter it directly on the Edit Driver Details page.
Additional details for adding and editing Drivers can be found here: Adding a Driver.
What happens if my driver doesn’t have a unique Reference ID defined?
If a driver fails to have a unique RefID defined then the system will be unable to link the Driver in the GPS Tracking Portal to the Driveri Portal Driver. The result of this will mean that there will be Unidentified Drive Time events within the Driveri Portal that will ultimately need to be addressed with a user manually assigning the appropriate driver to the appropriate events.
Is there a way I can check to see if any drivers aren’t defined?
Yes, a user can look to see if a Driver isn’t linked properly due to the RefID is by navigating to the Vehicle and Driver Integration page (More -> Cameras) in the GPS Tracking Portal. From there the user can quickly identify any issues by referencing the Drivers window.
How long does it take for the system to recognize a RefID and have it sync between portals?
The system should generally update every 1 hour, however, it’s recommended that the user allows for 12-24 hours to ensure full synchronization.