Note: The Driver feature is available to Enterprise customers only.
Question: The driver assigned to the vehicle is incorrect, how do I fix this?
If you are experiencing any issues with incorrect driver assignments displaying in the Driveri Portal, whether the assignment has occurred through Visual Login System Based Assignment or manual assignment, please use the troubleshooting steps that match your scenario to adjust the driver assignment.
Was the driver created in the GPS Fleet Tracking Portal?
Driver Created in GPS Fleet Tracking Portal
Follow the steps below to confirm the drivers are matched correctly via the Driveri integration.
From the GPS Fleet Tracking Portal Explore page, click Classic icon in the upper left corner.
The Classic Portal page appears.Hover your mouse over More, then under Cameras, click Driveri Cameras.
Click Vehicle and Driveri Integration.
The Driveri Integration page opens in a separate tab.
In the Driver section, check the following:
If you see the link icon on the driver side is red and broken, then the driver needs to be linked in the system.
Confirm the Driver ID and Ref ID match. If the IDs do not match, click the browser tab with Classic Portal displayed.
Hover your mouse over Account, then click Manage Driver and click Open.
The Manage Drivers and Groups page appears.
Click the Edit Driver icon in the row for the driver you want to correct.
The Edit Driver Details page appears.
In the Edit Driver Details section, enter a Reference ID that matches that Driver Ref ID on the Driveri Integration page.
Click Submit Changes.
If the Driver ID and Ref ID match, check the status of the vehicle link in the Vehicle section of the Driveri Integration page.
If the link icon is solid the vehicle is linked for the integration.
If the link icon is red and broken, then the vehicle needs to be linked in the system. The vehicle’s VIN must match between the GPS Fleet Tracking Portal and Driveri portal.
To verify the VIN in the GPS Fleet Tracking Portal, click the browser tab with Classic Portal displayed.
Hover your mouse over Account, click Manage Vehicles, then click Open.
The Manage Vehicles and Groups page appears.
In the Vehicle List section, locate the applicable vehicle, and click the Edit Vehicle icon in the vehicle’s row.
In the Edit Vehicle section, hit decode next to the vehicle’s VIN.
Note: If there is an error and the VIN does not decode, enter the correct VIN of the vehicle, click decode again.
If the VIN was adjusted, click Submit Changes.
To verify the VIN in the Driveri Portal, in the GPS Fleet Tracking Portal, hover your mouse over More.
Click Driveri Cameras, then click Open.
The Driveri Portal opens in a separate browser tab.
Under Group on the top of the screen next to your company name, confirm All Drivers & Vehicles is selected. If it is not, please use the drop-down to select All Drivers & Vehicles.
Click Provisioning and Configuration on the left-side navigation, then click Vehicles.
Locate the applicable vehicle using the sort and/or Search options, then click the Edit icon in the row.
The Edit Vehicle pop-up appears.
Enter the correct VIN and click Save.
Click the browser tab displaying the Driveri Integration page and refresh the page.
The vehicle should now display solid link, if it does not the VIN is most likely still incorrect, repeat Steps #5.b-#5.c.
Driver was Not Created in the GPS Fleet Tracking Portal
From the GPS Fleet Tracking Portal Explore page, click Classic icon in the upper left corner.
The Classic Portal page appears.Hover your mouse over More, then under Cameras, click Driveri Cameras and Open.
The Driveri Portal opens in a separate browser tab.
Under Group on the top of the screen next to your company name, confirm All Drivers & Vehicles is selected. If it is not, please use the drop-down to select All Drivers & Vehicles.
Click Provisioning and Configuration on the left-side navigation, then click Drivers.
Click Add Driver, then Add Individual Driver.
The Add a New Driver pop-up appears.
Enter all information as appropriate, then click Add Driver.
To assign the driver to a vehicle, click Provisioning and Configuration on the left-side navigation, then click Vehicle Associations.
Locate the applicable vehicle using the sort and/or Search options, then click the Edit icon in the row.
The Edit Vehicle Association pop-up appears.
Use the drop-down under “Select a driver to associate to this vehicle” to select the driver to assign to that vehicle, and click Save.
Additional Resources
Creating a Driver in the GPS Fleet Tracking Portal: Adding a Driver
Creating a Driver in the Driveri Portal: Adding Drivers to the Fleet
Note: Valid Driveri Portal credentials are required to view this resource article.