When you click on a vehicle/driver (if assigned) from the map or use the Search Field to locate a vehicle, the Vehicle Card for the selected vehicle/driver displays. With the Vehicle Card, you can see:
Vehicle ID or name
Driver (if associated/assigned)
Address of last reported location
Details (e.g., vehicle, status, driver, landmark, EV data β if applicable, odometer, engine hours, voltage (if reported), and more)
Attributes (if applicable)
Camera events (if applicable)
Street view of last reported location
Note: Driver and Attributes features are only available to Enterprise customers or customers with the Driver Management Add-on. If you are interested in learning more, please contact your Account Manager.
Vehicle Card Header & Status Bar
Using the Vehicle Card Header and Vehicle Card Status Bar, you can quickly manage and monitor individual vehicles in your fleet.
Vehicle Card Header
Using the Vehicle Card Header of the Vehicle Card, you can edit, follow, and/or isolate a vehicle, create a landmark, send a message or dispatch, copy location data, and view trip history directly from the card.
See Vehicle Card Header for step-by-step instructions on using the features available from the header.
Vehicle Card Status Bar
From the Status Bar, you can view a general overview of details pertaining to the selected vehicle, maintenance/service information, and nearby assets and landmarks.
See Vehicle Card Status Bar for step-by-step instructions on using the features available from the status bar.