The Dashboard is the main landing page of the Driveri Portal and consists of two tabs: Fleet Performance and Fleet Admin. The Fleet Performance page is displayed by default and offers safety-related information about the fleet and drivers. The Fleet Admin page displays operational and/or administrative items.
Fleet Performance
This page provides you with an overview of high-level performance data collected from your fleet.
You can select to view this data for a day, week, or month timeframe. Displayed data includes the following:
Total number of Alerts – Displays the total number of severe and moderate alerts.
Total DriverStars – Displays the total number of DriverStars.
Most Frequent Alerts – Displays the top three most frequent alerts in descending order.
Average GreenZone Score – Displays the Average GreenZone Score for the fleet.
Notification and Recognition Percentages – Notification denotes the total percentage of drivers who have received notifications for a drop in score due to risky driving in the selected period. Recognition percentage denotes the total percentage of drivers who have been awarded recognition for safe driving in the selected period on the Dashboard Fleet Performance Tab. Drivers receive recognition when their daily score exceeds 900 for one entire day.
Top and Bottom three drivers with highest and lowest GreenZone Score respectively – Top three displays the three drivers with the highest GreenZone Score for quick identification of drivers who are performing well. Bottom three displays the three drivers with the lowest GreenZone Score for quick identification of those drivers who may need additional attention to improve their score.
Chart displaying Events vs Time – This section displays a graph plotting the number of events (Alerts, Recognitions, and Notifications). Toggle the hyperlink at the bottom of the graph to see individual or collective graphs.
Note: Clicking on the data mentioned above in the Fleet Performance tab opens a corresponding page that provides drill-down details.
Fleet Admin
The Fleet Admin Dashboard displays a summarized view of Device, Provisioning & Configurations, Vehicles, and Driver Group-related information. You can click on each card to navigate to the relevant page where additional information can be found.