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Personal Use and Yard Moves

This article provides instructions on changing status to Personal Use (PU) or Yard Moves (YM).

Updated over a year ago

Please use the following instructions to change your status on the ELD to Personal Use (PU) or Yard Moves (YM).

Personal Use

Per Federal Hours of Service §395, you are allowed to drive to the nearest rest area, drive home, and more. The ELD will prompt you to add a pre-defined remark or type a different reason when changing to Personal Use (PU) during vehicle operation.

Selecting Personal Use (PU) Status:

  1. From the Home Screen, tap Personal.

    Note: DUTY status must be in OFF-DUTY.

    A warning pop-up appears to confirm you would like to change your status to Personal Use.

  2. Tap OK.

  3. The Remark for Personal Use pop-up appears, check a box (if applicable) or add a customized remark (this duty status must have a remark).

  4. Tap OK to continue.

    Your status is changed to Personal Use.

  5. If there is an ignition-off event, you will be prompted to either exit or continue the Personal Use status upon ignition on.

    The Log event for Personal Use will show up as a blue dashed line in the off-duty portion of the graph.

Yard Moves

The ELD also allows you to drive the vehicle inside a yard. To do so, switch to Yard Move (YM) before putting the vehicle in motion.

Selecting Yard Move (YM) Status:

  1. From the Home Screen, tap Yard Moves.

    Note: Duty status must be in ON-DUTY status.

    A warning pop-up confirms that you would like to change your status to Yard Moves.

  2. Tap OK.

  3. The Remark for ON-DUTY pop-up appears, check a box (if applicable) and/or tap OK to continue.

  4. The Remark for YM pop-up appears, check the applicable box or enter a remark on the Other line, then tap OK.

    Your status is changed to Yard Moves.

    Note: If the vehicle’s speed exceeds 32 km/h you will be automatically switched to Driving duty status.

PU and YM in the Logbook

Personal Use or Yard Moves events are shown as a dashed blue line in the logbook graph.

The distance traveled while in PU and/or YM status is included in the daily odometer shown in the Logbook and the Print/Display option of the Portal.

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