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Manager App: Profile

This article provides instructions on using the Profile page of the GPS Insight Manager App.

Updated over 2 years ago

The Profile page of the Manager app allows you to manually force a refresh of map data, provide feedback, and log out of the app.

Forcing a Refresh

You can manually refresh the map data from the Profile page.

Note: This refresh of data is specific to the map and does not force a device to report. Data from the device is sent based on the selected device update rate.

How to Force a Refresh of Map Data:

  1. From the Profile page, tap Refresh Data.

  2. A thin blue line goes across the screen to indicate the map data has been refreshed.

Providing Feedback

We would love to hear from you! Please let us know how we are doing with this app, what works for you and what doesn’t. Simply complete the form available to provide your feedback.

How to provide feedback:

  1. From the Profile page, tap Feedback.

    The Feedback form appears.

  2. Enter your feedback and tap Send.

    A green “Thank You” message appears toward the bottom of the screen confirming your feedback was submitted successfully.

Logging Out

You can log out from the app from the Profile page.

How to log out:

  1. From the Profile page, tap Log Out.

    Upon successfully logging out, you are navigated to the Log In screen.

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