Use this article to perform the troubleshooting process for issues related to the Geotab GO9™ device. Please document as much information as possible to assist with a speedy resolution if you need to contact Support.
Identify the Issue
Before contacting Support, please identify whether the issue is hardware-related (i.e. a problem with the GO9 device); or application-related (i.e. a problem with the Portal). For account-related issues, please contact your Account Manager.
Gather Information
Before troubleshooting, please follow the steps below to gather all the necessary information related to the issue.
Record the following information specific to the hardware that is currently experiencing an issue:
GO9 device serial number (12 characters, visible on the device, starts with G);
Auxiliary hardware connections (e.g. IOX-AUX, T-Harness, third-party accessories, etc.); and
Make, model, year, and VIN of the vehicle in which the hardware is installed.
Check for connectivity and installation issues:
Check to ensure the device is securely mounted and installed according to instructions. Is it loose or missing a zip tie?
Power cycle the device by removing it from the diagnostic port or harness, then reinserting it. Does the issue persist? Take note of which GO device lights are on.
If multiple components are connected to the asset (e.g. IOX expander), unplug all devices except the GO device. Plug each device back in, one at a time, to determine which device is causing the problem (i.e. does the problem occur after a specific device is plugged in?).
Install the device in a second asset — ideally, an asset with functioning hardware. Does the issue persist? Take note of which GO device lights are on. Installing the device in a second asset can help Support accurately diagnose the issue.
Note: Regardless of hardware issues, always make sure the user has checked each and every connection — including harnesses and/or the IOX, if applicable. The vast majority of issues result from insecure connections.
Troubleshoot the Issue
Once basic information is collected, let’s fix the issue. Please refer to the Diagnostic Flow Clock for more detailed troubleshooting steps or the GO Device Troubleshooting Matrix for solutions. Some issues may require advanced troubleshooting.
GO Device Light Definitions
Power: On initial power-up, all three LEDs on the GO device will flash once in unison, indicating that the device is receiving power. If none of the LEDs flash, this is an indicator that the device is not powered on.
Modem Connection/GPS Working: After the initial flash, the Green LED will briefly turn solid, indicating that the modem is connected to our servers. The Blue LED will also briefly turn solid, indicating that the GPS is working. Both LEDs will eventually shut down if ignition is turned off.
Ignition: Once ignition is turned on, the following common light sequences indicate an issue: No lights, Red only, Red and Blue only (most common), or Red and Green only.
Diagnostic Flow Clock
Note: Please use the following link to access the Harness Identification Application document referenced in Diagnostic Flow Clock Step #2: Harness Identification Application.
GO Device Troubleshooting Matrix
GO Device Installation
The images below display the proper installation of the GO device. For proper installation, ensure there is no gap between the device and the port, then secure the connection with a zip tie.