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Is my device up to date?

This article contains information about proactive updates and how to opt-in to these updates.

Updated over 2 years ago

The best way to ensure your device is up to date is to opt-in for proactive updates. Opting in to proactive updates gives permission for the Support team to update your device(s) when necessary, or when deemed beneficial.

What are proactive updates?

When your GPS devices were deployed for installation they were shipped with preloaded firmware and scripting, which enables a device to function and report to the best of its abilities. Firmware and scripting ensure your device has the most up-to-date feature functionality.

In order to keep your device up to date, proactive updates are regularly released every few weeks/months. These updates allow devices to increase performance, reliability, and feature sets.

For comparison, think of an iPhone purchased with iOS 13. Upon purchase, it is pre-loaded with iOS 13 to support the apps and functionality included with the software version. A few months go by and that phone doesn’t remain on version 13, rather Apple continues to release proactive updates that improve performance and reliability, and provide enhanced features (e.g. 13.1, 13.1.1, 13.1.2, etc.).

Examples of Proactive Updates

There are two different types of updates: Firmware and Scripting. The frequency of applied updates isn’t dedicated to a set schedule, rather they’re applied as they become available. For example, GPS Insight released 10 different device updates in the last 6 months of 2019.

Firmware Updates

Firmware updates are what help increase reliability, fix hardware-specific bugs, and enable future feature support. Please see the following examples:

  • Aug 12: Device Firmware Update – Added functionality that guaranteed AT&T and Verizon connectivity with carrier support transitioning from 2G/3G to 4G/5G

  • Sept 26: Diagnostic Firmware Update – Resolved issue wherein diagnostic data for heavy-duty vehicles would periodically fail to report until rebooted.

Scripting Updates

Scripting updates help to increase reliability while fixing performance-specific bugs and allow support for new firmware updates. Please see the following examples:

  • July 3: Script Update – Resolved issue wherein Temperature accessory scripting was causing other script features to fail.

  • Dec 10: Script Update – Added Bluetooth functionality to the GPSI-5000, enabling support for ELD Mobile.

What happens if I opt in?

Opting into proactive updates effectively gives permission for the Support team to update customer devices when necessary, or otherwise when it’s deemed beneficial, based on the criteria listed in “When will updates be applied to my devices?” (see below).

Typically, updates will not take place immediately after script/firmware release, and due to many factors (custom scripting requests, sufficient and stable reporting performance, fleet activity, etc.), we do not guarantee that every device in a customer’s fleet will always be updated to the most current level of scripting and firmware.

What happens if I opt out?

Users who choose to opt out of updates will see their devices continue to report and function in the same capacity seen after initial installation. Beyond that, future diagnostic functionality could be negatively impacted if the device is moved from one vehicle to another, or if the existing vehicle receives updates that affect the OEM parameters or other diagnostic interactions that are required of the device to report properly. Lastly, there are rare occasions wherein devices may require updates to help guarantee reporting on respective carrier networks (AT&T, Verizon, Rogers, etc.). In these critical scenarios, customers will still be contacted via email/phone to determine if they want their devices updated or not.

How do I opt-in after I’ve opted-out?

Users who change their minds after initially opting out can opt-in to updates. To do so, use the following instructions.

  1. Click Change User Preferences (wrench icon) at the top right of the browser window.

  2. Scroll down to Proactive Device Updates and check the box next to Opt-in.

  3. Click Apply.

Are there any concerns about opting in?

GPS Insight works diligently to ensure all new updates are validated through a 3-tiered testing process, which includes both in-house and field testing. This process has provided a near-perfect success rate with final releases. That’s not to say there have never been errors with a release; however, when those issues have occurred, GPS Insight’s Support team retracts the update and it is escalated to the Hardware Engineering team for re-review.

Where can I see posted updates?

All Product updates can be found on the Release Notes page of the Knowledge Center.

When will updates be applied to my devices?

Proactive updates are typically applied to devices based on any variation of the below:

Device and Data Reliability Updates

  • If an update is released that will resolve a major device or data reliability issue then the update(s) will be applied to actively reporting and directly affected, devices generally within 10 business days.

  • If a device triggers an internal alert that indicates there could potentially be an issue with it, or there could be an issue that may present itself in the near future, then updates will generally be applied within the next 24-48 hours in order to resolve the issue immediately, reducing or otherwise eliminating any negative reliability impact on the customer/user.

Account Assessment

  • Customer accounts are regularly assessed to ensure full data accuracy and reliability and will update the full fleet of devices to whatever is deemed to be the “latest & greatest.”

  • Depending on the customer’s service level agreement, customers can request an assessment if they have concerns regarding data reliability.


  • If there is an instance where a device, or a set of devices, is not reporting optimally, the Support team can send updates while attempting to resolve the issue. These updates are typically applied on a device-by-device basis unless the reported issue is potentially affecting the account as a whole, in which case the entire fleet of devices could be updated in the same manner.

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