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StreetEagle FAQ

This article contains FAQs to help customers make the leap from StreetEagle to GPS Insight.

Updated over 11 months ago



Do I have to swap my current GPS tracking devices for new ones?

No. All current devices reporting on your StreetEagle portal will simply transition to reporting and tracking on the GPS Insight Fleet Management portal.

Do I have to sign a new contract?

No. All contracts will transfer to GPS Insight and remain the same as the day they were signed.

Will using the GPS Insight Fleet Management portal cost me more?

No, there will be no changes to your monthly price or contract established within your StreetEagle account.

Do I have to create a new login for myself and my employees who currently use the StreetEagle portal?

All users on your account will move over to the GPS Insight Fleet Management portal with the same username. However, each user will be required to reset their password to log in to the new portal.

Can I still access my existing data in the new GPS Insight Fleet Management portal?

Yes. All vehicle, user, driver, and landmark data will be transferred to the GPS Insight Fleet Management portal. There will be a 45-day transition period where you’ll have access to both your StreetEagle portal and your new GPS Fleet Management portal. This will give you time to compare systems and get used to using your new portal.

Will my devices continue to report at my previously chosen frequency?

Yes, the reporting interval established with StreetEagle will be the same within the GPS Insight Fleet Management portal.

What new features will my team have access to with the GPS Insight Fleet Management portal?

Your team will have access to the same feature sets they enjoyed in the past, with better processing times and a fresh look. Fleet tracking, reporting, alerts, and mobile management will be easier and faster.

Do I have to download new software to access my new GPS Insight portal and what systems is it compatible with?

You will not have to download new software. Your new GPS Insight Fleet Management portal is web-based and is compatible with both Windows and Mac operating systems.

Will I still have access to all of the features I’m currently using in StreetEagle?

If you use the jobs or worker features, these will not be available in your new portal initially, but these features are on our future roadmap. We do offer a Field Service Management product if needed. The good news is that you’ll now have access to an enhanced web application with all of the essential features and functions needed for managing your fleet, along with cloud-based data storage and quicker navigation.

How long can I test out the GPS Insight Fleet Management portal before I lose access to my old system?

You’ll have approximately 45 days of dual access to the StreetEagle and GPS Insight Fleet Management portals. You will receive several reminders preparing you for when your access to the StreetEagle will be discontinued. In addition, you’ll have access to training videos, live demo webinars, and other system data to help you prepare for a successful transition to your new portal. After the 45-day transition period, you will no longer be able to access the StreetEagle portal and will solely manage your fleet within your new GPS Insight Fleet Management portal.

Where can I find training materials on how to use the GPS Insight Fleet Management Portal?

To help you prepare for the transition to your new GPS Insight Fleet Management portal, we have developed training videos and helpful tips to help you get started. These training materials are available in the GPS Insight Help Center, accessible through your new GPS Insight Fleet Management portal. In addition, we will be holding live training webinars for users who are new to using the GPS Insight Fleet Management portal. Webinar dates and times will be added to this page or sent directly to you via email. We’re here to make the switch as painless as possible for you and your team.

Will I have to use a new mobile app?

Fleet Managers and other users can find our GPS Insight Manager app on the iOS and Google Play stores. Existing users will be able to use the same username and password to access their new account. Drivers will need the GPS Insight Driver app (iOS / Google Play) which only requires a phone number to log in. However, the driver must first get set up within the GPS Insight Fleet Manager portal to access this app.

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