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AIR II: Diagnostic Port

This article contains installation instructions for the AIR II via OBD-II.

Updated over 6 months ago

Before You Begin

Note: The AIR II device ships with many installation components; not all components are required for each install. Please refer to the guide for details on which components are recommended.

The installation kit contains a registration card, the AIR II device, a memory SD Card (not shown below), device dock, mount plate with adhesive, and a diagnostic port power cord (shown in later diagram).

AIR II Standard Kit

Installation Overview

The following steps provide an overview of the installation process:

  1. Install Preparation.

  2. Device Connections.

  3. Device Mounting.

  4. Adjust Angle.

  5. Verify Installation.

Installation Steps

1. Installation Preparation.

  1. Locate the vehicle’s diagnostic port (OBD-II or J1939).

  2. Ensure the key is removed from the ignition, then locate the vehicle’s diagnostic port under the dashboard. Using a digital multimeter, test for constant power at the port:

    1. 9-Pin Diagnostic Connector: Place the positive probe on Pin B and the negative probe on Pin A.

    2. 16-Pin Diagnostic Connector: Place the positive probe on Pin 16 and the negative probe on Pin 4.

  3. Connect the cable plug firmly into the vehicle’s diagnostic port and secure properly with zip tie(s).

    Note: The connector fits only one way into the vehicle’s diagnostic port, do not force the fit; observe correct orientation before applying force.

  4. Route the wire with USB Type-C plug of the power cord to the expected camera mounting location on the windshield. When routing the power cord along the vehicle’s A-pillar, ensure the power cord is placed securely behind the vehicle’s air bags to avoid any obstruction.

    Note: Leave an extra few inches of cord length near the camera to insert the Type-C plug into the AIR II Dock and make mounting and dismounting the camera easier.

  5. Secure any excess wire after the camera is mounted.

    Note: If your vehicle is also using an OBD Telematics Unit, you may also need to add an in-line Y Adapter Cable for both devices to connect to the vehicle BUS system.

2. Device Connections.

For optimal performance, please ensure the power cord is firmly and securely fitted into the USB Type-C Power Connection.

  1. Put the Type-C Power Cord into the Power Cord Locker. Remove the Locker’s gasket, if necessary.

  2. Insert the Type-C plug into the camera Type-C socket. Push the Locker to ensure glued together with the camera dock.

  3. Tighten the Locker to the camera. Seal with Tamper Tape.

  4. Turn on the engine, the status LED will illuminate blue and then turn red if an SD card is inserted.

3. Device Mounting.

  1. With the Mount Plate attached to the windshield and the power cord connected to the AIR II, position the AIR II on the right side of the Mount Plate. Next, ensure the Mount Plate locking tabs are aligned with their fittings on the camera dock.

    Important: Ensure you are using the most appropriate mount based on the curve of the windshield. Available mount options shown below.

  2. Slide the camera left and down to secure it firmly onto the Mount Plate.

Note: Please ensure the AIR II is installed properly and firmly attached to the windshield prior to operating the vehicle. Be sure to make any adjustments to the angle or position of the AIR II prior to operating the vehicle.

4. Adjust Angle.

  1. Use a coin to loosen the Dock hinge by turning the adjustment slot counter-clockwise.

  2. For optimal vision in and around your vehicle, adjust the camera’s position to make the Dock hinge parallel with the road.

  3. Tighten the Dock into place by turning the adjustment slot clockwise with a coin.

5. Verify Installation.

After installing the AIR II, you should use the Waylens Fleet App to verify your installation. You should verify installation by checking the following points:

  • Check the power cord connection.

  • Check the Network.

  • Confirm video streams.

  1. Connect the camera using mobile phone via WiFi. Password indicated on Device Label.

  2. Tap Start Installation Test.

    The app will enter the process of Installation Test, including Power Cord Test and Network Test. Alternatively, you can do the Power Cord Test and Network Test separately from the “Maintenance” page.

  3. Check the video streams from the Camera page.

  4. After your device has been installed in your vehicle, you must add the vehicle’s information to the Portal (register). You can add vehicles by entering information into the Portal one at a time or by calling Support, with the device and vehicle information. For instructions on how to add a new vehicle’s device from your Portal, please follow the steps listed here.

LED Mode/Button Overview

Adjust Driver-Facing Camera

1. Adjust Driver-Facing Camera.

The Driver-Facing Camera’s pitch and yaw can be adjusted directly.

  1. Remove the Driver Privacy Cover, using finger directly adjust the Driver-Facing Camera. Adjust the camera angle so that it's horizontally parallel to the vehicle cabin.

  2. Use the Verify Installation steps to verify camera orientation.

  3. If applicable, insert the Driver Privacy Cover top edge into the slot, press it into place, and then secure it with screws provided.

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