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XT25 Series FAQ

This article contains frequently asked questions about the XT25 Series.

Updated over 2 months ago

Questions about the XT25 Series? Review the commonly asked questions and answers for the XT25 series.

XT25 Series Frequently Asked Questions



Is there a backup battery for the device? If so, what is the estimated life of the battery?

Yes, it includes a backup battery with a limited lifespan of approximately 30 minutes.

What type of data does the device collect and send to the software solution?

Default configurations include: location and *data updates when the following occurs:

– Ignition On/Off with reporting every 1 minute while Ignition On
– Every 45* heading change
– Every 12 hours while Ignition Off
– Vehicle’s battery voltage is below 11.8V
– Device is disconnected from power
– Device’s internal battery is critically low
– Device records a hard accelerometer event (e.g. rapid acceleration, harsh braking, hard right or left turn) while Ignition On

*Data reported can include the following:

Instantaneous speed, miles driven, odometer, external battery voltage, vehicle speed, engine speed (RPMs), max acceleration/deceleration (GPS-based), and various ECU data if provided.

Does the device collect diagnostics?

Yes, it has the ability to collect various diagnostic values if provided from the vehicle; however, data is not guaranteed.

How is the device installed? What installation steps are taken to conceal the device or prevent tampering?

The customer has the option of installing the device two ways:

– Plug the device directly into the diagnostic port
– Utilize a pass-thru cable that allows the diagnostic port to remain open to third-party devices and allows for the concealment and tamper prevention of the device. This is detailed within our installation guide.

What carriers are supported for the device?

AT&T 4G/LTE (CAT-M) with 3G fallback: Coverage includes North America (USA, Canada, & Mexico)
Verizon 4G/LTE (CAT-M): Coverage includes USA & Canada.

What is the average power draw?

With ignition on and device actively reporting = ~75-80mA
With ignition off, device awake = ~60mA
With ignition off, device asleep* = ~2-5mA

Can specific data collected by the device (e.g., DTCs) be prioritized over other types of data collected by the device in case of low connection?

No, not at this time.

In the instance that the device is unable to connect or maintains low cellular connectivity the device will store all data and send once connection strength has been restored.

How many points are stored by the device in case cellular/satellite connection is lost?


Is there an option for switching from cellular to satellite-based on connectivity availability? (e.g., If a device operating on cellular connectivity enters an area where cellular is unavailable, will the device automatically switch to operating on satellite connectivity to keep data transmitting in real-time?)

No, there’s currently no similar option for this device type.

Describe the device’s encryption technology.

There’s currently no encryption technology used for this device by default.

What are the available ping rates for the device?

1 minute is default, with heading change; an option for 30s updates is possible through Fleet24 pricing.

Is it IP rated?


How much actual data memory does the device contain?

512kB (-8kB (for overhead)) for event data

Are the status LEDs different?

LED 1: Off = Power-on default
LED 1: Solid blue = BLE connected only
LED 1: Solid red = Ignition on only
LED 1: Solid purple= BLE connected and ignition on

LED 2: Off = Power-on default
LED 2: Off = GSM disabled
LED 2: Fast blink yellow = GSM enabled, no registration
LED 2: Solid yellow = GSM enabled, registered

LED 3: Off = Power-on default
LED 3: Off = GPS disabled
LED 3: Slow blink green = GPS enabled, no lock
LED 3: Solid green = GPS enabled locked

Are there different diagnostic cables required?

Yes. In addition to a direct plug-and-play option, the XT25 supports one cable supplying all light-duty vehicle installations.

Does the device support accessory features?

Yes, the device and default configuration supports the following accessory feature: Inputs

XT25 Inputs Frequently Asked Questions



How many inputs can the XT25 support?

The XT25 can support up to 4 inputs.

What is the default polarity of the different inputs on the XT25?

Polarity is as such:

– Input 1 = Positive
– Input 2 = Negative
– Input 3 = Negative
– Input 4 = Negative

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