Questions about the XT25 Series? Review the commonly asked questions and answers for the XT25 series.
XT25 Series Frequently Asked Questions
Question | Answer |
Is there a backup battery for the device? If so, what is the estimated life of the battery? | Yes, it includes a backup battery with a limited lifespan of approximately 30 minutes. |
What type of data does the device collect and send to the software solution? | Default configurations include: location and *data updates when the following occurs: |
Does the device collect diagnostics? | Yes, it has the ability to collect various diagnostic values if provided from the vehicle; however, data is not guaranteed. |
How is the device installed? What installation steps are taken to conceal the device or prevent tampering? | The customer has the option of installing the device two ways: |
What carriers are supported for the device? | – AT&T 4G/LTE (CAT-M) with 3G fallback: Coverage includes North America (USA, Canada, & Mexico) |
What is the average power draw? | With ignition on and device actively reporting = ~75-80mA |
Can specific data collected by the device (e.g., DTCs) be prioritized over other types of data collected by the device in case of low connection? | No, not at this time. |
How many points are stored by the device in case cellular/satellite connection is lost? | 2000 |
Is there an option for switching from cellular to satellite-based on connectivity availability? (e.g., If a device operating on cellular connectivity enters an area where cellular is unavailable, will the device automatically switch to operating on satellite connectivity to keep data transmitting in real-time?) | No, there’s currently no similar option for this device type. |
Describe the device’s encryption technology. | There’s currently no encryption technology used for this device by default. |
What are the available ping rates for the device? | 1 minute is default, with heading change; an option for 30s updates is possible through Fleet24 pricing. |
Is it IP rated? | No. |
How much actual data memory does the device contain? | 512kB (-8kB (for overhead)) for event data |
Are the status LEDs different? | LED 1: Off = Power-on default |
Are there different diagnostic cables required? | Yes. In addition to a direct plug-and-play option, the XT25 supports one cable supplying all light-duty vehicle installations. |
Does the device support accessory features? | Yes, the device and default configuration supports the following accessory feature: Inputs |
XT25 Inputs Frequently Asked Questions
Question | Answer |
How many inputs can the XT25 support? | The XT25 can support up to 4 inputs. |
What is the default polarity of the different inputs on the XT25? | Polarity is as such: |