The Camera Media page in the Fleet Tracking Portal is designed to provide a centralized and focused repository of camera video clips from Driveri, Drive360, and AIR II cameras. Camera event clips are plotted on the map and you can access metadata about the vehicle’s behavior reported during the media clip’s timeframe.
Note: You must have the Camera Media permission enabled to see the Camera Media Library page in the Portal.
Accessing the Camera Media Page
To access the Camera Media Page, click the camera icon from the left-hand navigation bar in the Fleet Tracking Portal.
Filtering Camera Event Clips
You can filter camera event clips by event type, fleet subset, and time frame. Any filtering selections made are applied automatically.
Event Types
To filter by event type, click the Event type button and check the boxes next to the applicable type(s).
Note: Available event types vary depending on the camera, Driveri vs. AIR II/Drive360. If you filter by an event that is unavailable for your camera, you will not see any clips listed in the Results List.
Dangerous driving | Hard brake |
Fleet Subset
By default, the fleet subset selected is “Group” > “All Vehicles.” To filter by fleet subset, click the expand button in the drop-down and click the applicable subset.
Note: The Hierarchy feature is available to Enterprise customers and customers with the Advanced Administration add-on. If you are interested in this feature, please contact your Account Manager.
Vehicle |
Time Frame
By default, the time frame displayed is “Today.” To select a different time frame, click the expand button in the drop-down and click the application option to make your selection.
Today | Last 30 days |
Viewing the Results List
The Results list of camera clips displays entries based on selected filtering options. Each clip included in the list displays the vehicle label, clip name (editable), time of the day for the clip, and the type of clip event.
Note: If the clip was requested manually, the entry in the Results list displays a designation of “Manual.”
You can adjust the display appearance of the Results list by clicking on the Expanded List icon. If you’d like to return to the default display appearance, click the Collapsed List icon.
Please see Using the Camera Page for step-by-step instructions on how to use each feature available from the Camera Media Page.