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Using the Camera Media Page

Review this article to learn how to use the Camera Media Page with step-by-step instructions.

Updated over 3 weeks ago

The Camera Media page offers a centralized location to manage camera clips. You can filter, view, rename, download, and request additional media clips from the Camera Media page. Additionally, you can view your clip quota, including the next reset of your quota, on this page.

Requesting Camera Event Clips

You can request auto-generated camera event clips with a click of a button from the Camera Media page. You can download any auto-generated camera event clips you have requested to your device for local storage.

Note: The Results list displays auto-generated and manually requested clips. Unsaved clips expire automatically after 30 days.

How to Request Auto-Generated Events:

  1. From the Camera Media page, locate the auto-generated camera event you would like to request from the list displayed on the left-hand side of the page.

    • Note: If you only know the event location, you can click on the camera icon

      on the map and the corresponding event in the Results list will be highlighted.

    • Tip! Please use available filtering options to help you locate the auto-generated camera event.

  2. Click on the Request clip button or click the overflow icon to expand options and click Request clip from camera.

  3. Your request for the camera event is sent to the camera for transmission. A confirmation pop-up appears at the top-right of the page stating your request was successfully sent.

    Pop-up stating "Success. Your request has been successfully queued and will be available in the Media Library when ready."
  4. Your request is queued until the camera is in ON status and can transmit the requested footage. Once the footage is available, the Request clip button is replaced by a preview thumbnail (if unavailable, a “No preview” message is displayed) for the camera event in the list.

  5. Click on the camera event from the list.

  6. A pop-up appears with the corresponding footage of the camera event. The event location is also shown on the map next to the pop-up.

  7. Use the available video buttons for viewing:


    Volume (if audio is available)

    Video Speed

    Full Screen

  8. To change the camera event video name, click the Edit button.

  9. Click the Download button to download the footage to your device for local storage.

  10. Click Request more media to request additional clip(s).

    • The Request media pop-up appears, complete the following fields:

      • Vehicle (use the drop-down to select the applicable vehicle)

      • Enter a name for the clip in the Clip name field (optional)

      • Use the calendar and clock buttons to select a date and time for the Start date and Start time fields

      • Use the drop-down in the Duration field to select a duration of 30 seconds (1 clip) or 1 minute (2 clips) for the additional media request

        • Note: Your clip quota is shown under the Duration field.

  11. Click Request media.

  12. Your request for the camera event is sent to the camera for transmission. A confirmation pop-up appears at the top-right of the page stating your request was successfully sent.

    Pop-up stating "Success. Your request has been successfully queued and will be available in the Media Library when ready."
  13. A pop-up with the requested footage is available once transmitted from the camera. Use Steps #7-#10 to view the footage.

Requesting Media Manually

You can request camera footage from a vehicle for a specific date/time that is not connected with an auto-generated camera event. This access is helpful if you are looking into customer complaints or need to check on activity before or after a camera event.

How to Request Media Manually:

  1. From the Camera Media page, click Request media.

  2. The Request media pop-up appears, complete the following fields:

    • Vehicle (use the drop-down to select the applicable vehicle)

    • Enter a name for the clip in the Clip name field (optional)

    • Use the calendar and clock buttons to select a date and time for the Start date and Start time fields

    • Use the drop-down in the Duration field to select a duration of 30 seconds (1 clip) or 1 minute (2 clips) for the additional media request

  3. Click Request media.

  4. Your request for the camera event is sent to the camera for transmission. A confirmation pop-up appears at the top-right of the page stating your request was successfully sent.

    Pop-up stating "Success. Your request has been successfully queued and will be available in the Media Library when ready."
  5. A pop-up with the requested footage is available once transmitted from the camera. Manually requested media clips are delineated from auto-generated camera events in the Media Results list with a “Manual” designation.

Viewing Event Clip Quotas

The Camera Media page offers an at-a-glance display of your event clip quotas. If you have a combination of Driveri (Netradyne) and Drive360 or AIR II (Waylens), quotas between these two types are shown separately.

If you would like to find out when your quota resets, simply hover your mouse over the quota and a pop-over appears providing the number of days until your next quota reset.

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