You can view and manage service tasks from the Maintenance tab of the Vehicle/Asset Card in the GPS Insight Manager App.
Available actions include:
Creating a service
Option to upload attachments or enter notes
Completing a service
Option to upload attachments or enter notes
Option to add Costs (Parts, Labor, Other)
Viewing the next service due
Viewing a list of all services due
Viewing a list of service history
Viewing Service Tasks
You can view details on upcoming and completed service tasks from the Manager App.
Viewing Upcoming Services
A high-level view of the next upcoming service for the vehicle/asset is provided in the “Next service due” section of the Maintenance tab. The task shown in this section is determined by the next upcoming maintenance-due interval based on miles, engine hours, and calendar date.
A list of upcoming services associated with the vehicle/asset is available under the “All services due” section.
How to View an Upcoming Service
Using the Vehicle/Asset list, tapping on a vehicle displayed on the map, or using the Search field available in the Map List, select the vehicle/asset.
The Vehicle/Asset Card appears.
Tap Maintenance.
The Maintenance tab displays.
Tap the name of the service under “Next service due” or “All services due.”
The Service Detail panel appears providing the following information:Due at/on: Interval status, Due every (if applicable)
Details: Service type, Frequency, Odometer, Engine Hours
Attachments and Notes: uploaded videos/photos and/or notes entered on service creation
Note: You can complete the upcoming service from this view by tapping Complete service and following the directions listed under Completing a Service beginning at Step #4.
Viewing Service History
You can view a list of service logs and tap a log to view detailed information about the service from the Maintenance tab.
Note: You cannot edit Service Logs from the Manager App. If you need to edit a completed service, you can do so from the Maintenance page of the Fleet Tracking Portal.
How to View Service History
Using the Vehicle/Asset list, tapping on a vehicle displayed on the map, or using the Search field available in the Map List, select the vehicle/asset.
The Vehicle/Asset Card appears.
Tap Maintenance.
The Maintenance tab displays.
Scroll down until you see the Service History section, then tap View [XX] more.
The Service history section expands to display the list of service logs associated to the vehicle/asset. The list includes the name of the service and the date on which the service was completed.
Tap on the name of a service to view detailed information in the following sections:
Creating a New Service
You can create a new service for a vehicle/asset directly from the Manager App.
How to Create a New Service
Using the Vehicle/Asset list, tapping on a vehicle displayed on the map, or using the Search field available in the Map List, select the vehicle/asset.
The Vehicle/Asset Card appears.
Tap Maintenance.
The Maintenance tab displays.
Tap + Create new service.
The Create Service panel appears. The vehicle’s label and current odometer displays at the top of this panel.
In the Details section, complete the following fields:
Service name
Service type
Note: You cannot change the vehicle/asset selected (this field is greyed out). If you would like to select a different vehicle/asset, please tap the < button to exit the Create Service panel and < to exit the selected Vehicle/Asset Card.
In the Schedule and frequency section, complete the following fields:
Repeats/One-time (toggle)
If you select “Repeats,” use the applicable toggles, drop-downs, and/or entry fields to enter the service due interval.
Note: If you have enabled the Due every toggle above Month, you can tap Select next service due date (defaults to today’s date). If you’d like to change the date from today’s date, tap the date and select a different date using the calendar.
If you select “One-time,” use the entry field and the drop-down to select Miles or Hours and/or tap Select next service due date (defaults to today’s date). If you’d like to change the date from today’s date, tap the date and select a different date using the calendar.
In the Attachments and notes section, tap + Upload attachment to upload a photo from your device and/or use the entry field to enter applicable notes.
Tap + Create new service.
You are navigated back to the Maintenance tab. The newly created service is added to the list under All services due.
Completing a Service
You can complete an upcoming service from the Maintenance tab. When completing an upcoming service, you have the option to upload attachments, enter notes, and/or include costs (Parts, Labor, Other). If you include costs for parts, labor, and/or other, a total of these costs will be automatically calculated and included in the completed service log.
Note: You cannot edit completed services from the Manager App. If you need to edit a completed service, you can do so from the Maintenance page of the Fleet Tracking Portal.
How to Complete a Service
Using the Vehicle/Asset list, tapping on a vehicle displayed on the map, or using the Search field available in the Map List, select the vehicle/asset.
The Vehicle/Asset Card appears.
Tap Maintenance.
The Maintenance tab displays.
If you are completing the service task listed under the “Next service due” section, click Complete service. If you are completing a different upcoming service, locate the task under the “All services due” section and tap the service to open the service panel.
Note: If you have several service tasks associated with the vehicle/asset, you may need to tap View [XX] more to view all upcoming service tasks.
From the service panel, scroll to the bottom and tap Complete service.
The Complete Service panel appears. The fields under Details are auto-populated (except the Performed by field) and the Date Completed field defaults to today’s date. To adjust any of the fields, tap the field and enter the applicable information.
Under Costs, enter applicable costs for Parts, Labor, and Other.
Note: If you include costs for parts, labor, and/or other, a total of these costs will be automatically calculated and included in the completed service log.
Under Attachments and notes, tap + Upload attachment to upload a photo from your device and/or use the entry field to enter applicable notes.
Tap Complete service.
You are navigated back to the service task.
Tap < (top left corner) to return to the Maintenance tab.
The service task you completed is listed under the “Service history” section.