All scheduled and completed maintenance service tasks are available in a single view from the Maintenance Page in the GPS Fleet Tracking Portal. From this page, you can also:
Filter/search/sort table to view sub-sets of upcoming and completed service tasks
Categorize tasks into Service Type
Create and log new service tasks for one or more vehicles
Create and edit upcoming and completed service tasks
Add notes and/or attachments (e.g., documents, photos, etc,.) to tasks
Track costs
Complete scheduled service tasks
Viewing Maintenance Services
The Maintenance Page lists all Service Tasks and Service Logs in table format. Use the Services Due tab to engage with your Service Tasks and the Completed Services tab to engage with your Service Logs.
On each tab, you can sort table columns using the ascending and descending buttons next to the column headers.
Filtering Tasks and Logs
To filter your view of tasks and logs, you can use the filter type buttons available at the top of the table or you can use the All Filters drop-down.
Filter options are available for the following data:
Due: Not due, Due soon, Overdue
Metrics:Miles, Engine hours, Date
Frequency: Repeats, One Time
Service Type: Administrative, Brakes, Critical repair, General service, Oil change, Other, Preventative maintenance, Repair, Scheduled service, Tire rotation, Transmission
Groups & Hierarchies: Available options dependent upon groups and hierarchies created in the account.
The Hierarchy feature is available to Enterprise customers and customers using the Advanced Administration add-on. If you’d like to learn more, please contact your Account Manager.
Searching for a Service Task or Completed Service
You can also use the Search field to search Service Tasks and Service Logs by vehicle, service name, or type.
Downloading a .CSV
You can also download a .csv of Service Tasks and Service Logs from the tabs with a single click by using the Download button.
Note: Any notes entered in Service Tasks and Logs are included in the .csv file.
Adjusting “Due Soon” Threshold
You can adjust the “Due Soon” threshold (days) for Service Tasks in bulk by using the Settings button on the Services Due tab.
Service Reminders & History Report
The Service Reminders & History report displays pending service reminders and past service history for a selected data source (Vehicle, Vehicle Groups, Vehicle Hierarchies, Assets). After you have run the report, there are two tabs available: Service Reminders and Service History.
All elements within the tabs of this report can be filtered, minimized/maximized, exported, and refreshed.
Service Reminders
In the Service Reminders tab, you can see the number of vehicles included in the report data, a visual representation of service immediacy for vehicles, and a sortable list of service reminders showing vehicle, VIN, Driver (if applicable), Service, Interval (if applicable), Interval Type, Next Service, Odometer, End of Day Landmark (if applicable), and Data Source.
The Service Reminders tab can be filtered by the following within the report:
Next Service Due
You can further adjust the report results with the following options:
Display Distance In (Miles or Kilometers)
Hide Drivers
Hide Location
Service History
In the Service History tab, you can see the number of vehicles included in the report, the total number of services for the timeframe selected, the total cost of services and a list of Service Logs by vehicle showing VIN, Total Service Cost, Service(s), date service was performed on, engine hours at time of service, odometer value at time of service, and service cost.
The Service History tab can be filtered by the following within the report:
Date Range
You can further adjust the report results with the following options:
Display Distance In (Miles or Kilometers)
Additional Resources
If you have questions about the Maintenance Page, please visit Maintenance Page FAQ.
If you’d like instructions on managing service tasks, please visit Managing Service Tasks.
If you’d like instructions on managing service logs, please visit Managing Completed Services.