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Odd Hours Alert

Use this article to learn more about the Odd Hours alert.

Updated over 2 years ago

The Odd Hours Alert sends an alert notification when a vehicle is moving within an odd-hours violation window. This alert notifies selected recipients when a vehicle is being used without authorization or potentially stolen.

Setting the Odd Hours Alert

How to set the Odd Hours Alert:

Alerts can be managed from the Alert page in the Portal. To set the Odd Hours Alert, follow the below instructions.

  1. From the Alert Page, click New Alert.

  2. Use the Search field to type in "Odd Hours" or scroll through the alert types (listed in alphabetical order) until you see "Odd Hours Alert."

  3. Hover your mouse over the alert until you see the "Select" button, then click Select.

  4. Complete the following fields:

    1. Alert Title

    2. Data Source

    3. Notification

    4. Active

  5. If you would like to set Advanced Options, set the following:

    1. Active Weekdays

    2. Landmark

    3. One Time

    4. Repeat Delay

    5. Per Vehicle Delay

    6. Click Create Alert.

Additional Resources

If you would like additional help or details regarding how to create an alert, please refer to Creating an Alert.

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