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Starter Disable FAQ

This article contains frequently asked questions about the Starter Disable feature.

Updated over 2 years ago

Questions about Starter Disable? Check out the below.



How does Starter Disable work?

By wiring an output to the power supply of the vehicle's starter, we’re able to control when power is supplied to the starter. Thus, allowing the user to disable and re-enable the starter on command from the user portal interface.

What happens if the starter is disabled mid-trip?

Disabling the starter when the vehicle is running has no impact on the active trip, the driver is able to complete their trip safely. Once the vehicle ends its trip and ignition is switched off it will no longer be able to be started again until the starter is re-enabled.

Is there any limitation to how the Starter Disable command is sent/received by the device?

In order for this feature to work properly the device requires strong cellular coverage. If a command to disable, or re-enable, the starter is sent and the device does not have cellular signal then the command will not be received by the device and will remain in its previous state. If successful, a confirmation message will appear in the portal application when the command is successfully delivered.

Will all users have access to this feature in the portal?

No. By default, the admin user is the only user with access and can assign access to other users as needed through the User Permissions page.

Which devices support this feature?

Currently, the GPSI-5000 is the default device to support Starter Disable. For other devices, please contact your Account Manager.

Does this feature require any specific wiring on the GPSI-5000 device to work?

How do I add this feature to my fleet?

Submit requests to our Support Team with a list of vehicles/devices requiring this feature. Once received, our team will update all devices with the necessary config settings. Once updated, the device(s) will reboot and send a specific code that tells the server it is now Starter Disable capable. Log out and back into your account, ensure you have the Starter Disable permission granted and the toggle button will be present in the map vehicle card.

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