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Using the Driving Violations Report

Read this article to learn how to understand the Driving Violations Report.

Updated over 11 months ago

The Driving Violations Report provides interactive graphs, summary totals, and detailed data showing driving violation events filtered by vehicles, vehicle groups, vehicle hierarchy, driver, driver groups, and driver hierarchy. You can select a time frame of yesterday, week to date, month to date, last seven days, last 30 days, or a custom time frame. Additionally, you may select a timezone for the report. This report is available to customers with PNP, GPSI-3900, and other supported devices.

Note: The Driver feature is available with the Driver Management add-on and the Hierarchy feature is available with the Advanced Administration add-on only. If you are interested in learning more, please contact your Account Manager.

You may adjust your selected report parameters after running the report directly from the report itself in the Portal. This includes setting date range, driver, vehicle, over posted (miles/km), distance driven (min and max), distance display (miles or km), and timezone.

Note: If a vehicle exceeds the threshold entered, it will count as a Speeding – Over Posted Speed event on the report.

Violation Types

The violation types shown in this report include:

  • Speeding – Over Posted

  • Speeding – Over Threshold

  • Hard Braking

  • Hard Turns

  • Idling

  • Rapid Acceleration

Interactive Graphs

There are four interactive graphs offered in the report. All graphs offer filter (except Vehicle with Violations), sort, maximize element, download (CSV, Excel, PNG), and refresh options directly from each graph.

Interactive graphs present in the report include:



Violations over time per type

Shows violations by type over the time window selected. Hover over the line graph to see a count of violations per type. Hover over the violation types listed on the right to focus on the selected violation type.

Vehicles with violations

Shows the percentage of occurrences of each violation type from the total count of violations over the time window selected in a pie chart. Hover over the pie chart sections to see the violation type count.

Total violations by vehicle

Shows the top 10 vehicles with the most total violation counts in the report time frame in a bar graph. Hover over a bar to see the vehicle identifier and the total number of violations.

Violations per 100 by vehicle

Shows a normalized overview of the total number of violations for the top 10 vehicles with violations, normalized per 100 miles and listed in order from the most (top) to the least (bottom) in a bar graph. The normalized chart allows you to more accurately compare driving behavior among vehicles and look for trends. Hover over a bar to see the total number of violations per 100 miles reported for that vehicle.

Vehicle Summary Totals

This section of the report provides vehicle summary totals for the selected data source and time frame for the following areas:

  • Distance

  • Total Violations

  • Violations per 100 miles

  • Speeding – Over Threshold

  • Speeding – Over Posted Speed

  • Hard Braking

  • Hard Turns

  • Idling

  • Rapid Acceleration

All driver summary total sections offer maximize element, download (CSV or Excel), refresh data and copy to clipboard options.

Report Details

The report details provides line items for Driver Summary and Driver Events of the total number of violations for each vehicle included in the report.

Driver Summary

The Driver Summary detail section lists violation events by driver, vehicle displaying vehicle identifier, VIN, distance, violations per 100 miles, hard braking, hard left turn, hard right turn, hard turns, idling, rapid acceleration, speeding – over threshold, speeding – over posted, and violation event totals. All columns can be sorted in ascending, descending, or custom order, and offer column details to view high-level data contained in the column.

Driver Events

The Driver Events detail section lists violations by event occurrence displaying date, time, driver, vehicle name, VIN, violation type, speed over limit, speed, vehicle color (if supplied), vehicle make (if supplied), vehicle model (if supplied), model year, and data source. All columns can be sorted in ascending, descending, or custom order, and offer column details to view high-level data contained in the column.

Exporting the Report

This report can be exported via email in .xls format and attach a PDF in its entirety; however, please note that some of the available columns under the Vehicle Summary and Vehicle Events Report Details sections may be cut off due to the size of the columns.

This report also offers the ability to export sections of the report individually. Each section can be exported in CSV, Excel, JSON, PNG or PDF formats.

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