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Using the Driver Scorecard Report

Use this article to learn about the interactive graphs, driver score weighting, and additional features of the Driver Scorecard Report.

Updated over a year ago

The Driver Scorecard Report offers interactive graphs, summary totals, and detailed data providing insight into driver behavior from safety events in the form of a weighted score (A-F grade).

Note: Driver feature is available to Enterprise customers only. Please contact your Account Manager to learn more.

Screenshot of Driver Scorecard Report Example

You may filter your selected report parameters after running the report directly from the report itself in the Portal. This includes selecting the date range, driver, and setting daily drive time in minutes (min and max), daily distance in miles or KM (min and max), and distance display (miles or KM). Furthermore, each section of the report offers additional filters.

Summary Totals

This section of the report provides violation event summary totals for the selected data source (driver and/or driver group) during the time frame specified for the following areas:

  • Idle Time (hr)

  • Hard Turn Events

  • Rapid Acceleration Events

  • Hard Braking Events

  • Speeding Events

  • Seat Belt Unbuckled (hr)

  • First Movement Reverse Events

  • Total Violations

  • Distance

  • Drive Time (hr)

If you have the Advanced Safety package for your account, the Seat Belt Unbuckled and First Movement Reverse Events is included in your scorecard report. If you do not have this package, the values will read as 0 and will not impact driver scores. If you would like to learn more about the Advanced Safety package, please contact your Account Manager.

All summary totals offer maximize element, download (CSV, Excel, or PDF), refresh data, and copy to clipboard options.

Hovering over Idle Time Summary Total tile to see options

Interactive Graphs

There are two interactive graphs offered in the report. Both graphs offer sort, maximize element, download (CSV, Excel, PNG, or PDF), and refresh options directly from each graph. The Drivers by Grade graph offers a filter option as well.

Hover mouse over interactive graphs to show drill-down data and options.

Driver Score Weighting

You can adjust the percentage weight for safety violation events to return results that encapsulate the driving behaviors you deem as risky.

Note: The percentage weights must equal a total of 100.

If you do not adjust the weight on the report, the following default weights are applied to each event category.

Default Driver Score Weighting

The default weights for violation events and descriptions are as follows:

Note: The default weight for many of the violation events (unless specified below) are defined from your set device threshold configurations. To learn more about setting threshold configurations for your device, please refer to Configuring Device Thresholds.

Violation Event

Default Weight & Description

Idling (Idle Time in hr)

Based on the Idling Configuration that is set for the device threshold. If no configuration is set, the default configuration is 300 seconds.

Hard Turns

This is based on the G-Force configuration for the device threshold for Hard Left/Right. If no configuration is set on the GPS device\ the default configuration is 0.35g.

Rapid Acceleration

Based on the G-force configuration for the device threshold for Rapid Acceleration. If no configuration is set on the GPS device, the default configuration is 0.35g.

Fast Stops (Hard Braking)

This is based on the G-force configuration for the device threshold for Hard Braking. If no configuration is set on the GPS device, the default configuration is 0.36g.


Based on the speeding configuration/threshold for the device threshold. If no configuration is set, the default configuration is 76mph.

Unbuckled Seat Belt (Seat Belt Unbuckled in hr)

Seatbelt event is triggered if the driver isn’t wearing a seatbelt while the vehicle is moving faster than 6.21mph or 10 kmh.

First Reverse (First Movement Reverse Events)

Reverse movement event is triggered if a reverse movement is detected within the first 22 yards of the trip.

Report Details

The report details provides line items for Leaderboard and Violation Details by Month of the total number of violations for each driver and corresponding scores included in the report. Both sections offer filter, sort, maximize element, export (CSV, Excel, PNG, or PDF), and refresh options directly from each graph.

Leaderboard Section

The Leaderboard section shows your driver(s) as selected with the Data Source Selector by performance offering their corresponding grade, score, rank, drive time (hours), idle time (hours), seat belt unbuckled (hours), hard-breaking events, rapid acceleration events, speeding events, hard turn events, and first movement reverse events. All columns can be sorted in ascending, descending, or custom order, and offer column details to view high-level data contained in the column. Additionally, a Leaderboard filter is available to filter by Top N (number), Bottom N (number), Top Percentile and Bottom Percentile.

Using the sort options on the Driver and Grade columns of the section and using the score filter.

Violation Details by Month Section

The Violation Details by Month section shows your driver(s) as selected with the Data Source Selector by violation details offering the month, grade, score, total distance, drive time (hours), idle time (hours), seat belt unbuckled (hours), hard breaking events, rapid acceleration events, speeding events, hard turn events, first movement reverse events, total violations, first date, last date, and days driven. Additionally, driver and grade filters are available.

Exporting the Report

This report can be downloaded as a PDF (Portrait or Landscape) in its entirety; however, please note that some of the available columns under the Vehicle Summary and Vehicle Events Report Details sections may be cut off due to the size of the columns.

Export selected at bottom of report and PDF options shown.

This report also offers the ability to export sections of the report individually. Each section can be exported in CSV, Excel, PDF, or PNG formats.

Export selected on Drivers by Grade section showing export options

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