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Messaging from the Vehicle Card

Check out this article to learn how to message a vehicle from the Vehicle Card.

Updated over 2 years ago

Messaging allows you to send SMS messages from within the portal to your fleet vehicles. You can send messages to vehicles directly from the Vehicle Card in the Portal. Messages can be sent to any vehicle with a valid phone/SMS number. You can also review received messages from the Vehicle Card.

Note: You must have the Messaging permission enabled in the User Access List and SMS Messaging enabled in the Menu Access List.

Sending Messages

To send a message from the Vehicle Card, the applicable vehicle must have valid vehicle contact information associated with the vehicle.

How to send a message:

  1. From the Vehicle Card, click the ellipsis icon.

    A menu appears.

  2. Click Send Message.

    The Messaging page appears. You can view all messages sent to/received from this vehicle contact from this page. All messages display time and date stamps.

  3. Enter your message and click Send.

    Note: You can adjust the size of the text field by clicking on the bottom left-hand corner of the box and dragging down to expand.

Adding or Editing Vehicle Contact Information

Vehicle contact information can be added and/or edited directly from the Vehicle Card in two ways: using the Messaging feature or from the Admin tab.

Add/Edit Contact Info – Messaging Feature:

  1. From the Vehicle Card, click the ellipsis icon.

    A menu appears.

  2. Click Send Message.

    The Messaging page appears.

  3. Click Edit Vehicle Contact Info.

  4. Scroll down to the Contact Info section.

  5. Enter or edit Phone and/or Email information and use the checkboxes to select an Alert Preference (Email or SMS).

  6. Click Save.

    A success message appears stating “The vehicle “XX” has been updated.”

Add/Edit Contact Info – Admin Tab:

Note: To view/edit the Admin tab, you must have the Vehicle Admin permission enabled in the User Access List and Manage Vehicles permission enabled in the Menu Access List.

  1. From the Vehicle Card, click the Admin tab.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Scroll down to the Contact Info section.

  4. Enter or edit Phone and/or Email information and use the checkboxes to select an Alert Preference (Email or SMS).

  5. Click Save.

    A success message appears stating “The vehicle “XX” has been updated.”

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