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About the Admin Page

This article provides information about the Admin Page and how to use the Admin: Users Page.

Updated over 9 months ago

The Admin page lets you view and manage your account users, vehicle groups, drivers/driver groups, and landmark groups quickly and easily.

Note: The Admin page is only available for Standard customers or Fleet subscriptions without Advanced Admin. If you have the advanced admin add-on and would like to manage drivers please, visit Drivers.

Note: To view this page, you must have Manage permissions.

Managing Users

The Users page allows you to add users, manage existing users, and shows a list of your account users providing the following information in sortable (ascending/descending) columns:

  • Username

  • First name

  • Last name

  • Time zone

  • Email

  • Vehicle Groups

Note: To sort the columns by ascending or descending order, click on the up (ascending) or down (descending) arrows in the column header.

Adding a New User

From the Users page, you can add a new user.

How to add a new user

  1. From the Users tab, click + New user.

    The New User card appears.

  2. Enter the following information:

    • Username*

    • Email*

    • First Name*

    • Last Name*

    • Phone

    • Address

    • City

    • State (Use the drop-down to select)

    • Zip

    • Country (Use the drop-down to select)

    • Timezone

    • Use the checkboxes to select Users & Vehicles permissions (if applicable): Vehicle Admin (Edit vehicle properties and assign vehicle groups) or User (Full permission to edit all users on the account)

      • Note: If you have the Driver Management Add-on enabled for your account, you can select Driver permissions for a user: None, View drivers, Assign and un-assign drivers to vehicles, Full driver admin permissions (View, assign, and un-assign drivers).

    • Vehicle Groups (Use the drop-down to select)

      Note: Fields denoted with an asterisk (*) are required.

  3. Click Create.

    If successful, a pop-up window appears confirming the user has been created.

Adding a User to a Vehicle Group

For existing users, you can add the user to a vehicle group. Adding the user to a vehicle group allows the user to see the vehicle group on the Map page.

How to add a user to a vehicle group

  1. From the Users page, click the add icon (+) under the Actions column.

    The “Add to a vehicle group” option appears.

  2. Click Add to a vehicle group.

  3. Select the vehicle group you would like to add to the user using the drop-down list or the search feature.

    Note: You can add more than one.

  4. Click Save.

    If successful, a pop-up window appears confirming the vehicle group has been added to the user.

Editing a User

For existing users, you can edit the user.

How to edit a user

  1. From the Users page, click on the Edit icon under the Actions column corresponding to the user you would like to edit.

    The User Card appears.

  2. Make your edits and then click Save.

    Note: You cannot edit Username. Additionally, if you have the Driver Management Add-on enabled for your account, you can adjust Driver permissions for a user: None, View drivers, Assign and un-assign drivers to vehicles, Full driver admin permissions (View, assign, and un-assign drivers).

    If successful, a pop-up window appears confirming the edits have been saved.

Deleting a User and Other Actions

For existing users, you can reset a user’s password, resend a welcome email, and delete a user using the Overflow icon provided in the Actions column.

How to reset a user’s password

  1. From the Users page, click on the Overflow icon under the Actions column.

  2. Click Reset password.

    A pop-up appears asking you to confirm you would like to reset the user’s password.

  3. Click Yes, Send Reset Password Email to reset the user’s password or No, Cancel to exit without resetting the password.

    If you selected to reset the password, a pop-up will appear confirming the email to reset the password was sent successfully.

How to resend a welcome email

  1. From the Users page, click on the Overflow icon under the Actions column.

  2. Click Send welcome email.

    A pop-up appears asking you to confirm you would like to send a welcome email to the user.

    Note: A temporary password will also be sent to the user.

  3. Click Yes, Send Welcome Email to resend the welcome email or No, Cancel to exit without sending the email.

    If you selected to resend the welcome email, a pop-up will appear confirming the email was sent successfully.

How to delete a user

  1. From the Users page, click on the Overflow icon under the Actions column.

  2. Click Delete user.

    A pop-up appears asking you to confirm you would like to delete the user.

  3. Click Yes, Delete to delete the user or No, Cancel to exit without deleting the user.

    If you selected to delete the user, a pop-up will appear confirming the user was deleted successfully.

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