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Adding & Managing Drivers

This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to add, manage, and delete drivers from the Admin page.

Updated over 10 months ago

Note: The Drivers tab of the Admin page is available to Standard customers and customers with the Driver Management add-on. You must have Full Driver Admin permissions to view the Admin page and the Drivers tab.

The Drivers page allows you to add a new driver, manage existing drivers, and download a .csv list of drivers.

Viewing the Driver List

A list of existing drivers is displayed on the Drivers page showing the following driver information:

  • Reference ID (if applicable)

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Time Zone

  • Phone (if applicable)

  • Email (if applicable)

  • Message Preference (view the selected message preference for the driver – if applicable)

  • Assign Ct. (number of times the driver has been assigned to a vehicle)

  • Vehicle (current assigned vehicle – if applicable).

From this list, you can use the Actions column to assign the driver to a vehicle, edit the driver’s information, add the driver to a driver group, remove the driver from a driver group, or delete the driver.

To download a copy of the driver list, please click the Download list button at the top-left corner of the Admin: Drivers tab.

The download list button shown with blue font.

Adding a Driver

How to add a driver

  1. From the Admin: Drivers tab, click + New driver.

  2. The Create driver pop-up appears on the right-hand side of the browser.

  3. Complete all applicable fields:

    • First Name (Required)

    • Last Name (Required)

    • Reference ID (Required)

    • Email (Required)

    • Phone (Add if you would like to contact the driver by SMS)

    • Country

    • Time zone

    • Alert Preference (check the box next to the preferred alert notification method: Email or SMS)

    • Driver Groups (use the drop-down to select applicable driver groups

    • Driveri Group (use the drop-down to select driveri group (if applicable)

    • Set toggle for Access Driveri mobile app (use the toggle to enable access to the Driveri mobile app for the driver, if applicable)

      Note: The Driveri product is an available safety camera add-on. If you are interested in learning more, please contact your Account Manager.

  4. Click Save.

    A notification confirming that the driver has been successfully added appears at the top right-hand side of the browser window.

Managing a Driver

How to edit a driver

  1. From the Admin: Drivers tab, locate the driver you want to edit from the driver list and click the Edit icon from the Actions column.

    The Edit pop-up appears on the right-hand side of the browser.

  2. Make your edits and click Save.

    Note: If you are editing a driver and required fields appear incomplete in the Edit pop-up, you must complete any and all required fields before you can successfully click Save.

    A notification confirming that your edits to the driver have been successfully saved appears at the top right-hand side of the browser window.

How to delete a driver

  1. From the Admin: Drivers tab, locate the driver you would like to edit from the driver list and click the Overflow Menu icon from the Actions column.

    A pop-up menu with additional action options appears.

  2. Click Delete.

    The Delete Driver confirmation appears asking you to verify that you would like to delete the selected driver.

  3. Click Yes, Delete to delete the driver or No, Cancel to exit without deleting the driver.

    If you clicked Yes, Delete, a notification confirming that your have successfully delete the driver appears at the top right-hand side of the browser window.

How to add/remove a driver to/from vehicle assignment

  1. From the Admin: Drivers tab, locate the driver for which you would like to adjust driver assignment and click the Vehicle Assignment icon from the Actions column.

    If the driver is not currently assigned to a vehicle, the pop-up shows the option: Assign to a vehicle. If the driver is currently assigned to a vehicle, the pop-up shows the options: 1) Remove driver from vehicle, 2) Reassign to a new vehicle.

  2. Click on the option that describes what you would like to do.

  3. Based on your selection:

    • If you selected Remove driver from vehicle, a pop-up appears asking you to confirm you would like to remove the driver from the currently assigned vehicle. Click Yes, Remove Driver to unassign the driver from the vehicle or No, Cancel to exit without performing any action.

    • If you selected Reassign to a new vehicle, a pop-up appears defining the currently assigned vehicle. Use the drop-down to search/select the new vehicle to assign to the driver then click Reassign.

    • If you selected Assign to a vehicle, a pop-up appears with a drop-down to select the vehicle to which you would like to assign the driver, then click Assign.

How to add/remove a driver to/from driver group

  1. From the Admin: Drivers tab, locate the driver for which you would like to adjust membership to a driver group and click the Overflow Menu icon from the Actions column.

    A pop-up appears with additional options.

  2. To add the driver to a driver group, click Add to a driver group.

    The Driver Groups pop-up appears on the right-hand side of the browser window.

    1. Use the Search field to locate the driver group or you may also use the list view, then click the checkbox next to the desired driver group(s).

    2. Click Save.

      A notification confirming that you successfully added the driver to a driver group appears at the top right-hand side of the browser window.

  3. To remove the driver from a driver group, click Remove from a driver group.

    The Driver Groups pop-up appears on the right-hand side of the browser window.

    1. Use the Search field to locate the driver group or you may also use the list view, then click the checkbox next to the driver group(s) to uncheck the box(es).

    2. Click Save.

      A notification confirming that you successfully removed the driver from a driver group appears at the top right-hand side of the browser window.

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