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Driveri Portal Not Showing Alerts
Driveri Portal Not Showing Alerts

If you are not seeing alerts in the Driveri Portal Alert page for camera events, please review this article.

Updated over a year ago

If you are unable to view camera event alerts from the Driveri Portal, the following troubleshooting steps walk you through checking Driveri Portal Configurations.

Checking Driveri Portal Configurations

  1. Navigate to the Driveri Portal and click Alerts from the left-hand menu.

  2. From the Alerts Filter Panel (right-hand side of screen), ensure the Base Alerts tab is selected.

  3. Make sure the checkbox next to all alert categories (e.g., Advisory, Sign/Signal Violations, etc.,) are checked.

  4. If any boxes are not checked, please click the checkbox next to the applicable category to check the box.

    Checking the box next to all categories will automatically update the Alerts page and display any applicable event alerts. If you are still experiencing an issue seeing alerts, please contact Support.

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