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Editing or Deleting an Alert

Use this article to learn how to edit or delete an alert.

Updated over a year ago

You can edit alert details, inactivate alerts, or delete alerts from the Alerts page. Adjusting alert configurations can help you if you are getting too many alerts, not receiving alerts, etc. In addition, you can filter your alerts to help you find an alert easier.

Filtering the Alert List

If your alert list is long, use filter options to isolate a subset of alerts.

How to filter the alert list:

  1. From the Alerts page, click on the Filter button in the right-hand corner.

  2. Choose from the following filter options:

    • Alert Type: Show only alerts that are of a certain type.

    • Data Source: Show alerts that are monitoring a specific vehicle, vehicle group, or hierarchy.

    • Notification Recipient (SMS or Email): Show only alerts that are specific to the recipient.

    • Alert Status : Show only alerts that are active, inactive, or both.

  3. Exit out of the pop-up window by clicking the Close button (X).

The alert list shows only the alerts that match your filter criteria.

Editing Alerts

After you edit an alert, the alert will trigger the next time the set conditions are met.

How to edit an alert:

  1. From the Alerts page, find the alert you would like to edit by using the Search field and entering the title of your alert or by tabbing through the pages of your created alerts after filtering the alert list.

  2. Hover your mouse over the alert, click the ellipsis button then click Edit.

    A pop-up window of the alert displays.

  3. Make your edits in the alert window.

  4. Click Save.

    The alert is updated with your edits.

Inactivating Alerts

If an alert is not needed temporarily, you can inactivate it. Inactivating an alert keeps the settings and prevents you from having to recreate the alert if you ever have the need for it again.

How to inactivate an alert:

  1. From the Alerts page, locate the alert you would like to put in inactive status and hover your mouse over the alert.

  2. Click the ellipsis button on the right.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. Click the No button next to “Active:”.

  5. Click Save.

Delete an Alert

If an alert is no longer needed and will not be needed in the future, you can delete it. Deleting an alert permanently removes the settings.

Note: If there is a possibility that you may need an alert in the future, we recommend changing the status of the alert to Inactive (see Inactivating Alerts above.)

How to delete an alert:

  1. From the Alerts page, locate the alert you would like to put in inactive status.

  2. Hover over the alert you want to edit, and click the ellipsis button on the right.

  3. Click Delete from the dropdown menu.

    A pop-up window appears asking: “Are you sure you want to delete this alert?”

  4. Click Delete.

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